Linus portfolio>

Data Scientist and Developer

I am a data scientist with several years of experience in different domains including business. I have the capacity to manage complete data science project pipeline from exploratory data analysis, developing models and clearly communicating insights gained to decision makers. I am result-oriented and yet adaptable with flexible working methods for effective team work. Moreover, my indepth analytical skills enables me to ask the right business questions and employ appropriate methods and tools to solve business problems.

What I do

Data visualization

Data visualization is done at almost all stages of an analysis. I pay particular attention to choosing the right plot to communicate results and preprocessed data.

Exploratory data analysis

With data at my disposal, I go through the initial stages of translating business problems and research questions into analytical ones structured as data science project. I do this by undertaking descriptive analysis to understand essential features of the dataset in order to devise the most appropriate method of analysis, provide answers to business questions and further inferential data analysis

Machine Learning

Beyond data exploration is machine Learning, where models are developed to solve prediction and classification problems. Hyperparameter tuning is done to optimized models and select the best model among several others.

Forecasting and time series analysis

Forecasting and time series analysis forms an important aspect of data analysis for longitudinal datasets. Among others, I analyze trend and seasonality and use that to develop forecasting models of good accuracy. I also incorporate analysis of predictors to determine their influence for scenario forecasting.

Geospatial analysis

Data with a spatial dimension needs a special focus, domain knowledge and expertise which I possess. Typically, I assess human-environment interaction with respect to space and time. The focus is on accounting for the influence of location and visualizing results with maps at various scale. I provide services for both business and socio-economic reseaches.

Natural Language Processing

Text and unstructured data remain a rich data mine everywhere and with the right expertise can be transform to power applications. With my competence in Natural Language Processing (NLP), I implement complete pipeline for text data analysis that leads to sentiment analysis, document classification, topic modeling, Name Entity Recognition (NER) among others. I have employed Deep Learning to develop and deploy NLP applications in production making predictions that empower business applications for growth.

Dashboard and web app Development

Get your professional interactive dashboards developed to communicate insights gained from data analytics.

Some of my works

Completed projects

Developing web application and KPI dashboard design

Machine Learning Applications

Timeseries Analysis & Forecasting

Geospatial Analysis

Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning